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How to downgrade your X-tras plan

If you're currently subscribed to Wirex's Premium or Elite price plan and want to cancel your subscription, there are several things you should be aware of. 

In the event that you cancel your subscription within two weeks of signing up, you can contact Wirex’s Customer Support team and they will switch you to the Standard plan. This way, you won't be charged the Premium or Elite plan fees. 

If you're subscribing to either the Premium or Elite plan for the first time in 12 months, you'll enter a 90-day trial period. Within this time, you can cancel your subscription without having to pay a break fee. The same applies if you cancel your subscription up to two months before the end of your 12-month subscription period. 

On the other hand, if you decide to cancel your subscription outside of the trial period and within the 12-month subscription period, you'll be charged a break fee equal to a month's subscription fee. The Premium fee is 9.99 EUR/GBP/USD in WXT while the Elite fee is 29.99. 

When your 12-month subscription period ends, you'll have to either renew or cancel your subscription. If you don't take any action in the two months before your 12 months ends, your plan will automatically renew for another 12 months, and you'll be charged the appropriate fees. It's critical to keep track of your subscription period and take appropriate action when necessary. 

In conclusion, cancelling your Wirex Premium or Elite plan is a simple process, and you can do so within the specified time frame without incurring additional fees. Keep an eye on your subscription period and act accordingly to avoid any unwanted fees. 

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