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Troubleshooting: Email issues

When using Wirex, email is an important communication channel for account management and updates. However, sometimes issues may arise with email delivery or receipt. In this article, we will guide you through some common troubleshooting steps to help you fix email issues with Wirex. 

Issue 1: Not receiving emails from Wirex  

If you are not receiving emails from Wirex, try the following steps: 

  • Check your spam or junk mail folder. It's possible that the email was mistakenly filtered there. 
  • Make sure that you have added Wirex to your email contacts list. This can help ensure that emails from Wirex are not marked as spam in the future. 
  •  Verify that the email address associated with your Wirex account is correct and up –to date. You can check this by logging into your Wirex account and navigating to the "Preferences" > “Profile” section. 

Issue 2: Email delivery delay  

If there is a delay in email delivery, try the following steps: 

  • Check your email inbox again after a few minutes. Sometimes email delivery can be delayed due to network traffic or server load.  
  • Ensure that your internet connection is stable and strong.  
  • Verify that the email address associated with your Wirex account is correct and up-to-date. 

Issue 3: Not receiving password reset emails  

If you are not receiving password reset emails from Wirex, try the following steps: 

  • Check your spam or junk mail folder. It's possible that the password reset email was mistakenly filtered there.  
  • Make sure that you have added Wirex to your email contacts list. This can help ensure that password reset emails from Wirex are not marked as spam in the future.  
  • Verify that the email address associated with your Wirex account is correct and up-to-date. You can check this by logging into your Wirex account and navigating to the "Preferences" > “Profile” section. 

If none of these steps help to resolve the issue, please contact the Customer Support team for assistance. 

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