February 2019 might just have been the most eventful month in the history of Wirex. As well as a stack of new cryptocurrencies, including our first ever stablecoin, we also launched Wirex 3.0 - our most feature-packed upgrade yet and the perfect illustration of our monumental progress over the last year. We look forward to seeing what March brings as our users around the world benefit from exciting new ways to take control of their digital and traditional currency.
Dai-ing for stability?
Kicking off the month in style, we introduced Dai (DAI) - our first ever stablecoin. To get you up to speed, stablecoins are seen by many in the crypto community as key to mainstream adoption, combining cryptocurrencies’ ease of swift, cross-border payments with the stability of traditional currency (learn more about stablecoins here [LINK]). Dai was one of the first coins of its kind - it provides an alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies and it is fully backed by Ether (ETH) and Maker (MKR) tokens to fulfill liquidity. Dai’s inclusion on Wirex gives you another compelling crypto-investment opportunity, further streamlining traditional and cryptocurrencies for everyone.
Not so Nano
Some of the best things come in small packages. February saw the introduction of Nano (NANO) for users to buy, store, convert and spend on the Wirex app. What makes Nano unique is its underlying technology, the Block Lattice. The Block Lattice gives every account its own blockchain which means that transactions can be completed concurrently (as opposed to one at a time as on other blockchains). As a result, Nano boasts fast transfer speeds, impressive scalability and low energy expenditure. It’s an excellent addition to the Wirex portfolio and a currency to watch for the future.
Currencies ahoy
You asked, we answered. As part of Wirex 3.0, we’ve added new traditional currencies for users all around the world, including AUD, CAD, CHF, CZK, HKD, JPY and SGD. They’re all available in-app on your new customisable currency dashboard. Send and receive these currencies around the world using Faster Payments, SWIFT or SEPA. The choice is yours. After all, it’s your money.
We’re proud to present the finest consumer exchange rates on the market. As part of the 3.0 upgrade, we can now give Wirex users unconditional access to Over-the-Counter (OTC) and interbank rates for crypto and traditional currency exchanges. Whether you’re arranging money for travel or making use of your exclusive Cryptoback™ rewards, effortlessly switch between currencies safe in the knowledge that you’re getting the best price available.
The power of 3.0
The launch of Wirex 3.0 means better rates, new currencies, new ways to pay, a brand-new look, redesigned Wirex Visa card and loads more! To mark this momentous occasion, we held an event at the London Film Museum, celebrating alongside crypto-enthusiasts, Wirex staff, fintech pioneers and, of course, the most loyal members of the Wirex community. Find out more about what went down by clicking here.