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Free E-Book: how to buy, save & spend Bitcoin like an expert

Region: Europe
Nov 22, 2017, 4:30:18 PM Published By Wirex Team
Welcome to the biggest technological innovation since the internet. We know its a jungle out there in crypto land: Confusing technologies. New startups. Over 850 cryptocurrencies. Opportunities that can set you up for life with wealth-on-tap. and risks that can devastate your chances and wipe out your bank account. We've been through it, we understand how daunting it can be when you are first starting off. That's why we've put together a series of Confidence Reports to help ease you into this big new world of crypto. With insight from the crypto enthusiasts at Wirex the blockchain personal finance company. Weve summarised 1000s of hours of experience and expertise to help you enjoy the new world of Cryptocurrency. In this edition (the first of the Confidence Report eBook series), we'll help you learn how to buy, save and spend bitcoin with greater confidence. We'll walk you through the basics of what Bitcoin is really about. Report 1: Instant Bitcoin Expert
  • How To Buy, Store & Spend Bit Like A Pro
  • What You Need To Know About Bitcoin For 2018
  • Plus: How To Discuss Bitcoin At Dinner Parties
Register to receive the report free: [thrive_leads id='10434'] Details of report 2 coming soon (and more on the way) Our Confidence Reports will manage your own approach to crypto investment, security, and lifestyle opportunity.