This past year has been all about side hustles, with everyone looking for easy ways to help boost their income. Interest rates at an all-time low and are expected to stay low for the foreseeable future, which means many have been looking for new ways to help make their money work for them. Enter Wirex.
This year we’ve been rolling out new features to help make your crypto go the extra mile. From rewards to savings bonuses, we’ve got something for just about everybody, which means you can spend more time enjoying post lockdown life while your money does all the work for you.
Savings Bonuses
We recently launched X-tras, our upgraded our rewards system to make sure your Wirex account is going the extra mile for you. As part of this upgrade we introduced annual Savings Bonuses, a really easy way to earn interest on your WXT holdings.
Depending on your price plan, you can earn up to 6% on the WXT in your account, and you don’t even need to think about it. We automatically pay the interest in to your WXT account each month and it’s as simple as that.
Want to know more about X-tras? You can find all the info here.
Trying to get interest on your savings has not been easy in the past year, with most easy-access accounts only offering up to 0.5%. But Wirex are coming to the rescue.
Next week, we’re launching our brand-new X-Accounts which are offering up to 16%/10% AER on your holdings*. Normally, when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, but bear with us here.
The process is super straightforward and easy, even if you’re new to the world of crypto. All you need to do is put your crypto into an X-Account and you’ll earn interest on the holdings.
What makes X-accounts slightly different is that your funds are not held in the original currency. Instead they’re automatically converted into a stablecoin and deposited into a DeFi protocol. If you want to know more about DeFi check out our recent post here.
It’s really that easy.
Still think it sounds too good to be true or worried about safety? Don’t fret because we’ve got your back. We’re partnering with Fireblocks, an industry leading DeFi platform, which provides $30m in insurance for digital assets, which means all you’ll need to do is sit back and relax while the interest rolls in.
Cryptoback™ Programme
We can’t sing the praises of our world’s first Cryptoback™ rewards programme enough. It’s a groundbreaking concept, but there’s really nothing to it. All you’ve got to do is pay with your Wirex card to earn up to 2% Cryptoback™ rewards in WXT.
Your rewards are earned instantly and go straight into your X-tras account in the Wirex app. Then you can exchange, spend or HODL them as you see fit! You’re essentially earning crypto as you’re spending.
With the launch of Wirex X-tras, you can now earn Cryptoback™ rewards on purchases made in-store and online, depending on your Wirex Price Plan.
Even if you’re new to the world of crypto, it’s now easier and quicker than ever to start spending, saving and earning, so everyone can get involved. Want to know what plan works best for you? You can find out all the details here.
*Earnings apply to converted stablecoins. Subject to T&Cs